Creating Participatory Conferences, The P In EPIC August 23, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Do you remember Pop Rocks candy? It was the candy that exploded and jumped in your mouth. Or perhaps you recall Zotz, the candy that fizzed in your mouth. Interactive Candy If you walk the aisles of a local department store today, you’ll find a new host of interactive candies. You’ll see Armageddon Asteroids, Big … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference education, conferences, participatory culture, participatory learning
Conferences Need To Focus On Creating Experiences, The E Of EPIC Conferences August 22, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Imagine it’s 2084. You are craving a new experience that you’ve not had in the past. You decide to visit Rekall to get a memory implant of a new vacation experience. This is the setting of the 1990 movie Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger or the 2012 remake with Colin Farrell. While Total Recall is … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning, Experience Design Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference education, conferences, participatory culture, participatory learning
Is Your Conference EPIC? July 31, 2012 by Jeff Hurt The challenge of many conferences today is that they are like local, indigenous populations using their native tongue trying to talk to foreign immigrants. The traditional conference experience is out of touch, disconnected and using an outdated model. It fails to connect with today’s generations. Well, it’s time your conference went EPIC! Four Stages Of … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference education, conferences, participatory culture, participatory learning
Turning Attendees Into Repeat Loyal Customers July 6, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Most conference organizers focus on meeting their paid attendee goals for their upcoming annual event. They are so focused on that one event that they rarely take time to step back and think about the sustainability of the event for the next several years. They concentrate all of their energy, time and resources on meeting … [Read more…] Filed Under: Attendance Marketing, Experience Design Tagged With: , conference best practices, conferences, Event ROC, Event ROI, loyalty, meeting planning best practices, meeting professionals, return on attendee, return on customer
From Boring To Beneficial Conference Education June 29, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Let’s face it. Most conference education is yawn-stirring, sleepy-eyed, ho-hum, day-old soggy Melba-toast tasting boring. It makes root-canals seem fun! Regardless, the human brain loves to learn. In spite of our age, culture, gender and race, our brains are designed to always be on the prowl for new things to discover and experience. The brain … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult education, adult learning, adult learning principles, conference best practices, conference education, conferences, meeting professionals, presentation best practices, presentation strategies, speaker tips
Creating Planned Serendipity For Your Conference Success May 15, 2012 by Dave Lutz Networking: there’s more to it than business professionals speed handshaking while exchanging business cards. It’s an opportunity to connect and link with others as you share information, services and ideas with each other. Attendee Networking Expectations Increase There is no doubt about it. Conference attendee networking expectations are on the rise! Your conference is often … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Networking, Experience Design Tagged With: , accelerating serendipity, conference best practices, conferences, meeting planning best practices, networking, planned serendipity
The Need For Speed And Learning Agility May 1, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Your organization’s enduring competitive advantage rests on learning agility. It must be able to respond to new challenges, opportunities, threats and crisis. New, unprecedented complex challenges constantly present themselves. Learning At The Speed Of Change Experienced leaders used to claim that they had seen every problem several times in the past. That’s no longer true … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , association, association best practices, association trends, learning, nonprofit trends
Seeing The Conference Keynote As A Voyage To Human Transformation April 24, 2012 by Jeff Hurt As a conference organizer, what’s your goal when you secure a speaker for a keynote presentation? Motivation? Humor? Inspiration? Education? To provoke? Entertainment? Complete a schedule? Kickoff an event? Benefiting The Attendees If you are really dedicated to helping your conference attendees benefit from a keynote presentation, doesn’t it make sense to know as much … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design, Speaker Coaching Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference education, keynote, presentation best practices, Speaker Emerging Practices, speaker tips
Social Media And Events: Listening, Pre-Conference Chats And Community Managers April 23, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Are you using social media as a push or pull strategy for your event? Are you trying to force traditional marketing strategies into the social media funnel? Author Jonathan Fields discusses ways to use social media for your next conference or event beyond the traditional social media marketing strategies. Video edited from PCMA’s Convening Leaders … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design Tagged With: , community management, conference best practices, conference community, online listening, social media for events, social technology, Twitter chats
Conference Attendees Remember What They Think About April 16, 2012 by Jeff Hurt Conference speakers make assumptions every day about how their attendees comprehend, remember and apply the information they hear. These assumptions, as well as their presentation decisions, are based on a mix of theories, trial and error, past experiences with their own teachers and professors, and instinct. Yet are these theories, experiences and instinct serving the … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , adult education, adult learning principles, adult learning strategies, brain-friendly conferences, conference best practices, conference education, conferences, presentation best practices, social learning