Get On The Brain Train Before It Leaves The Station July 13, 2011 by Jeff Hurt Attendees spend about 24 hours physically present in a three-day conference experience. (About eight hours a day, outside of sleep and night activities.) Students who attend school from kindergarten through high school typically spend more than 13,000 hours learning from teachers. 24 hours seem minimal as compared to 13,000 hours. Yet, most conference participants try … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education Tagged With: , brain science education, brain-friendly conferences, brain-friendly meetings, conference tips, conferences, learning styles exposed, meeting best practices, meeting planning best practices
Mission Possible: Engaging Event Attention July 12, 2011 by Jeff Hurt Attention is a payment of the brain’s resources. It requires that we adjust, engage and sustain each of our nine brain areas involved in attention. We must also exclude, suppress or ignore external and internal distracters. Ultimately, we need a highly disciplined internal state and the right brain chemical balance to maintain attention. This is … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference tips, conferences, engagement, meeting planning best practices
Transitioning From The Experience Economy To The Social Economy July 8, 2011 by Jeff Hurt To paraphrase President Bill Clinton, “It’s the Social Economy, stupid!” The McCann Worldgroup says that we have moved from the Experience Economy to the Social Economy. Their research indicates that the current economy is moving into a new phase where people seek to define themselves by their ability to connect, share and communicate. Consumers place … [Read more…] Filed Under: Experience Design Tagged With: , association best practices, experience economy, meeting planning best practices, social economy, social identity, social networking
Why Your Event Needs To Increase Its Social Media Monitoring July 7, 2011 by Jeff Hurt The majority of conference and event organizers are not monitoring social media. Are you? According to a 2011 Social Media & Events Report released by amaindo, more than 60% of event organizers do not use social media to listen, connect and collect data about their customers and potential customers. Event organizers are overlooking a lot … [Read more…] Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , meeting best practices, meeting industry trends, meeting planning best practices, social media for events, social technology, social technology for events
Report: Events Have Room To Grow Their Social Media Use July 6, 2011 by Jeff Hurt 67% of event organizers do not monitor social media platforms. 37% of conference organizers only post up to three times per week in social media platforms. 76% of German event organizers see social media as an important or very important tool for marketing their events. 81% of English speaking event organizers see social media use … [Read more…] Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: , Facebook marketing, meeting best practices, meeting industry trends, meeting planning best practices, social media for events, Twitter for events
5 Ways To Ensure Your Conference Reception Fails July 5, 2011 by Jeff Hurt When do the majority of people arrive at a conference reception? In my experience, typically it is not at the beginning of the reception. I’m used to seeing the majority of guests at a reception towards the end of that event. That is assuming the reception is a decent event. And people are enjoying themselves. … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conferences, meeting planner, meeting planning best practices
Go Ahead. Reinvent The Wheel! July 1, 2011 by Jeff Hurt Every day I read dozens of blogs and articles about new technologies arriving at our door steps. I am always intrigued by the technology people create. Even more so, I am fascinated by their inventiveness. Their ingenuity. Their originality and resourcefulness. It’s very appealing and captivating. I want to hang around with those inventors and … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference tips, conferences, meeting planning best practices, meeting professional
Speaker Tips When Using A Live Stream, Backchannel And Face To Face Experience June 30, 2011 by Jeff Hurt In the past two weeks, I’ve done three live streamed presentations. It’s more work than a traditional presentation. With a few tweaks to my traditional face to face presentation, everyone benefits. The rewards of the extra work are worth it! Presenting To Three Audiences At Once The challenge when presenting for a hybrid event is … [Read more…] Filed Under: Hybrid & Virtual, Speaker Coaching Tagged With: , backchannel, hybrid event, meeting planning best practices, presentation best practices, presentation str, speaker, speaker tips, twitter, virtual events
Participatory Conferences And Events: Participatory Design Or Design For Participation? June 29, 2011 by Jeff Hurt Here’s a test. Pick which statement best defines a participatory conference. A. Conference organizers invite prospective attendees to participate in the development, design and planning of a conference experience. B. Conference organizers design a conference experience using an intentional internal design process however once the conference begins, it invites attendees to contribute, participate and interact. … [Read more…] Filed Under: Conference Education, Experience Design Tagged With: , attendee engagement, design for participation, engagement, meeting planning best practices, participatory class, participatory conferences, participatory culture, participatory design
Screening Steps To Improve Your Conference’s Health June 27, 2011 by Jeff Hurt How healthy is your conference? Is it time for your conference to have a thorough physical exam? Is your conference experience in need of a health check-up? Is it in a state of dis-ease? Why Your Conference Needs A Checkup Here are three reasons why your conference needs a health checkup: 1. Avoid Dr. Fix-it … [Read more…] Filed Under: Event Planning Tagged With: , conference best practices, conference tips, conferences, meeting planner, meeting planning best practices, meeting professional